
Mostrando entradas de febrero 4, 2024

Speculative Metal vs. Spectral Metal

Speculative Metal  https://speculativemetal.blogspot.com/   is a website where we are going to dissect the current state of Metal as a musical style. After decades of evolution, statism and involution, we will focus on the bands that in our opinion are developing ideas that can be the bases of the future of the style. Our idea is to open a crack in space-time and peer into the future to see what the Shape-of-Metal-To-Come (SMC) will be like. To do this, we will make a distinction between the two types of metal that are currently practiced: Spectral Metal and Speculative Metal . Spectral Metal includes all the bands that practice a style of metal that looks to the past and that does not aim to innovate but rather pay tribute to the great bands of the period of development of the style (let's put the period 1970-2000 as deadlines) . This type of bands (whether its style is heavy, thrash, death, black, grind, doom, etc.) composes a type of metal where the main incentive is to pract